Climate Impact Mitigation and Adaptation Overview References

Nature-Based Solutions

UN Global Compact in the 2019 Climate Action Summit:

Carbon Sequestration

U.S. Forest Carbon Storage, Carbon On Line Estimator (COLE):

Where does carbon go?

Marc G. Kramer, Kate Lajtha, Anthony Audfenkampe. Depth trends of soil organic matter C:N and 15N natural abundance controlled by association with minerals. Biogeochemistry, 2017; DOI: 10.1007/s10533-017-0378-x

Soil and the Carbon Cycle (figure):,and%20carbon%20losses%20by%20respiration.&text=Humus%20is%20formed%20when%20soil,that%20reside%20in%20the%20soil.

Forest Carbon: An essential natural solution to climate change:

Climate Change Response Network, Forest Adaptation Webinar Series (January 16, 2020 – August 13, 2020):