Greenway along the North Nashua River at the Cook Conservation Area in Lancaster, MA - photo by Cindy Knox Photography

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy: Restore, Create, and Protect Greenways and Aquatic Buffers

Aquatic buffers can clean runoff and provide a corridor for movement and migration by wildlife. Buffers can be enhanced with plantings that provide food and cover for movement. Buffers also help take up excess nutrients and salts that may otherwise degrade receiving waters. Aquatic buffers are typically the part of greenways that border the rivers or streams.

Greenways are critical corridors for the movement and migration of wildlife and vegetation and, where appropriate, can provide recreational opportunities.

Value of healthy streamside greenway - graphic by Bluegrass GreensourceBenefits of Healthy Stream Buffers. (Graphic by Bluegrass Greensource.