Dam Removals in Massachusetts

Tuesday, May 28 at 6:30 pm at the Conant Free Public Library4 Meetinghouse Hill Road in Sterling, MA

Across New England, aging and unsafe dam infrastructure has led to an increase in dam removals. These dam removals can provide significant public safety and ecological benefits, from a reduced risk of flooding to restored river connectivity. Supported by the MA Division of Ecological Restoration, the Nashua River Watershed Association is offering an educational talk about dam removals in Massachusetts, covering a general overview of why and how unsafe dams are removed, and what changes you might expect to see in your community as a result.

Space is limited; registration required. Register online through the library or call 978-422-6409.

Questions? Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., NRWA Watershed Scientist.

MA Division of Ecological Restoration logo


This presentation is free and open to the public, made possible in part by a grant from the MA Division of Ecological Restoration.